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Dramaturgi Ekibi


It consists of volunteers who love the art of theater, read theatrical texts, watch domestic and foreign theater plays, and love the art of theatre. People who are intellectually interested in theater literature and culture and love to research, write and watch plays are directed to this team.

The Dramaturgi Team carries out their work independently of the workshop group. They evaluate the plays suggested by the Dramaturgi Team manager, artistic and technical.


The working method of the dramaturgy team;

  • At the meeting of the Dramaturgi Team, held every year with new and previous members registered  how the process will work is explained.

  • A theater text proposed by the dramaturgy team leader begins to be studied by making a specific plan of work  with the participants. 

  •   reviews are made over the 'Dramaturgi Draft' created by the team responsible and each study is reported. 

  • The final working text is digitized and added to the Ozü Oda archive. 

  • Volunteer members are asked to write criticisms on certain items  in the text reviewed. Reviews written and published to date'On Some Things'may be published in the

Dramaturgy Team also;

  • Reading with members, they are trained to conduct game reviews and produce intellectual works in collaboration with directors when necessary. 

  • It can organize intellectual studies, panels, presentations and conversations by collaborating with local and foreign writers, directors and actors and other units of the school, within the knowledge of the general art director.

  • If the game directors deem it necessary, they can participate in the dramaturgy of the plays. 

  • Vby reading current game reviews and reviews, pthe professional that is being studiedwatching the horses,  oyunlar by writing independent reviews,'On Some Things'  in the sectionthey can publish. 

Reports of dramaturgy studies of games DRAMATURG STUDIES located in the section.

You can follow the team's journey below.

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Etkinlik Ekibi


The Event Team consists of people who like to watch domestic and foreign theater plays. People who like to watch theater plays and produce activities in different fields such as Poetry, Concerts and Concerts in the Chamber are directed to this team.

The Event Team carries out its work independently of the workshop group. They watch the games suggested and organized by the Event Team Manager collectively. The main purpose of the event team is to get to know and promote Istanbul Theater Venues, Theater Play teams, briefly the theater culture. 

The working method of the Event Team;

At the Event Team meeting held with new and previous members who register every year  how the process will work is explained.

According to the number of people who will attend the event, tickets are purchased periodically for the theater plays suggested by the Event Team Manager. 

During the hours planned by the team responsible, they go to the district where the game will be performed, either collectively or separately.

After the game, those who wish can sit in a place in that neighborhood and chat about the game.  

Back to school with preset shuttle. 

The Event Team also;

By planning with the Stage Director, they can organize different types of activities such as interviews, concerts and concerts with the actors in the Chamber. 

Event Page


Prodüksiyon Ekibi


People who like to record visual materials, produce content and process them with various software are directed to this team.

They produce visual content to be shared by Oda's Social Media team. HEBanners, Videos, Brochures and all visualsother clubs and schools in the production of their materialsthey collaborate creatively with all units. It carries out its work independently of the workshop group. HEThey also organize the preparation of posters, all visuals related to the promotions of the games, the creation of video and other visual media teams, the videotaping of the games and their digital sharing with the members.

The working method of the Production Team;

  • In the meeting of the Production Team held with new and previous members who register every year  how the process will work is explained.

  • Provides basic training for programs such as Photoshop, Premier, Illustrator on days determined by the Production Team responsible. 

  • It is ensured that the content to be shared regularly by the Social Media and Promotion Team is adapted within a certain period of time.

  • They can design and prepare promotional films of the games that will be exhibited that year.

The Production Team also;

  • The production team, within the knowledge of the General Art Direction, can independently carry out works related to the preparation of short films, trailers of games, and the production of visual projects for social media in cooperation with the actors oda .


People who have command of communication tools and love social media management are directed to this team. It is the team that undertakes the promotional activities of the chamber in the region and in Istanbul .

Working in harmony with Oda's Production team, they organize the posts. They carry out their work independently of the workshop group.

Social Media Team's working method;

  • In the Social Media Team meeting meeting held with new and previous members who register every year  how the process will work is explained.

  • It is ensured that the Social Media and Promotion strategy is adapted within a certain period of time.

  • Volunteer members are authorized to post regularly from different accounts and can produce different projects on social media. 

Sosyal Medya Ekibi


members who have good command of communication tools and like to organize are directed to this team. cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_It is the team that undertakes the planning and organization of the days where the events held in the Chamber meet the audience. From the moment the audience enters the room to the moment they leave, the foyer is responsible for the show days. 

They organize the entertainment of the audience in harmony with the stage director. They carry out their work independently of the workshop group.

Working method of the Foyer Team;

  • Every year registered with new and previous members in the Foyer Team meeting  how the process works

  • The control of the reservation systems of the room and the organization chart are taught.

  • It is ensured that the foyer process is adapted in a certain period of time.

Fuaye Ekibi


Decors-costumes; the language, genre, period of the games etc. In addition to designing based on data such as  especially to produce projects that directly touch the academic lives of the students of the Faculty of Architecture and Design.


They carry out their work in harmony with the general art director and the game directors.

Students in the Design Team can use their work in their portfolios. The trainings are given collectively by the students of the Faculty of Architecture and Design. In addition, the members of the team also aim to increase their material and production knowledge by using the manufacturing hardware during the application phase of the decors-costumes._ 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  OzU ODA Design Team; It is a platform where students of the Faculty of Architecture and Design and anyone interested in design can both improve themselves and present designs with their own signature in the Chamber.

The working method of the Design Team;

  • They organize joint workshops with OpenFab.

  • They organize basic level SketchUp or Rhino training and workshops for modeling.

  • They provide basic AutoCad training for scene design.

  • As part of the game teams, they take part in the decor design and production process.

Tasarm Ekibi
Teknik Ekip


It is a team structured under the stage director.  Oyuns is the team that specializes in light and sound designs and operators of the designs made. Its activities and activities are coordinated by a Chief Technician who has knowledge of the physical and online technical mechanisms of the room. They can be equipped to work in this field on professional stages with the experience of technicians gained in the training and performances they receive in this field. 

Teknik Team's working method;

  • Workshops are organized in the field of use of lighting technologies and sound technologies.

  • Members who specialize in technical terms have the opportunity to make their own designs at the screenings.

  • They are included in the game teams by the chief technician and take part in the process of light and sound design, light or sound operator.

  • They provide Publishing support for digital screenings. 

Physical and online technical infrastructure of the ChamberFROM HEREyou can reach.

Photos of the impressions and all information HEREYou can review.

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Özyeğin University Nişantepe Campus

Student Center -3


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